Glackin Physical Therapy Blog

The Use of Plyometrics in Rehab

Written by Glackin Physiotherapy | Dec 12, 2022 2:00:00 PM

Physical therapy is not just about static, strengthening exercises. Arguably, if that is the focus of your sessions, then you are missing out on so much important recovery. We are mobile individuals living in an ever changing environment and we need to be able to adapt to that!

Which is where plyometrics come in to play. Plyometrics are exercises whose focus is power (which is strength and speed). Obviously, not everyone is appropriate to start training with plyometrics. However, someone who is more highly active needs to be incorporating it into their sessions, at the right time. Initiating good activation of targeted muscles first, then dynamic stability and then finally plyometrics. You should have minimal to no symptom reproduction or increase, as with any other exercise.

What exercises are plyometric in nature?

Plyometrics can look like skipping, hops, box jumps, lateral running and more. Any combination of these movements with target obstacles is possible as well! It's helpful to think about sport specific goals in designing these exercises. Are you a gymnast, a runner, or a skier? You need power!

What if you don't do any of those activities? Are plyometrics still right for you?

It depends. Depends where you are in your recovery. If you aren't very active, plyometric training may better serve you towards the end of your recovery, as opposed to ongoing towards the beginning. Someone with lower extremity joint replacements are also not the most ideal candidates. Jumping and running are typically contraindicated in these cases, but should be reviewed by your physical therapist.

Plyometrics are underutilized and have great benefit to patients, and are also FUN!

Physical therapy for active individuals in Columbia and Baltimore, Maryland.

Contact our office to see if plyometric exercises are appropriate for you today.