Do you have hip pain? It's possible you have hip tendonitis. If you are looking for other possible causes of hip pain, refer to our general hip pain blog for more possibilities.

What are examples of hip tendonitis symptoms?

Hip tendonitis symptoms can include, but are not limited to:

  • Pain in the front of the hip
  • Decreased range of motion
  • Difficulty running and walking
  • Problems ascending and descending stairs.

A man walking downstairs with decreased hip tendonitisWhat causes hip tendonitis?

Overuse (repeated stress) of a hip muscle group where microtears occur in the tendon. A tendinosis is a chronic issue where the tendon is actually degrading and no actual inflammation present. Most commonly we see this with hip flexors as well as with the glutes.

Your physical therapist will take you through a series of tests to assess range of motion, strength, functional movement, and tissue extensibility and tenderness. Based upon what they find will determine the best treatment approach.

Hip tendonitis treatment

This likely will look like easing off activity for a little bit with a gradual return as symptoms have started to calm down. We want you active, but also want to find a happy balance where you aren't exacerbating the inflammation. Manual therapy to the hip muscles. Just because one muscle isn't the directly impacted muscle, they can still play a large role in how the entire hip complex is functioning. Manual therapy is an all encompassing term that includes massage, dry needling, joint mobilization, stretching and more. Gradual and appropriate strengthening. Many athletes think that just because they are frequently active, that they are strong. That is most certainly not the case. While we are happy to have our patients be active, we find many muscle imbalances. We will work on evening out those strength and mobility imbalances.

It's important to work with your physical therapist to appropriately progress your training program. You don't start out running 30 miles a week. It will take some time to work up to that, respect the process and the training guides.

Physical therapy for hip tendonitis in Columbia and Baltimore, Maryland

Hip Tendonitis can be debilitating, and can worsen if exercise load is not properly managed. Physical therapy can assist with reducing inflammation and prescribing proper load protocols to assist in recovery. If you have hip tendonitis and pain, reach out to our office today!

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